Getting Fit

Tuesday, April 07, 2015


When you are on your thirties, one of your major concern is your health. You started to be conscious on what you are eating, check nutritional facts at the back of the packaging, and decide to be fit to avoid any illness.


My office colleague and I decided to jog every Saturday. Our day one started last October 25.
We also agreed that we should motivate each other and refrain from making any excuses.
We had an agreement that each of us will have two maximum leaves (free pass without any question) before the year ends. Anyone who cannot jog can use their leave or pay 20php per absence. When you jog on a holiday, you will earn one day leave.

Here's our tracker:



Eheem… ehem… As you can see, I’m the most motivated. To assess our improvement, we joined the 5K Milo marathon. Together with our other officemates, we run like hell. And yes, I'm one of the Finishers.

I finished 5K in 53:38:00. Combination of run, jog, and walk. I finally noticed that I'm really weak when running. I never engage myself to any sport that’s why I easily get tired.


From that experience, I realized that I am not getting any younger. I need to be fit for a healthier lifestyle. I immediately decided to choose running as my weekly routine. I had my weekly training since my running buddies decided to stop. It didn't stop me from running. Every week, I set my goal that I should finish 5K in one hour to 6K, 7K, 8K, 9K, and finally my achievement 10K. Unfortunately, I didn't maintain my record because of busy schedule and we moved out from our old apartment . I'm still hoping that I could catch up.


This coming summer, my friend MJ will teach me how to swim. I will post my swimming lesson 101 soon. Stay tuned guys. Some points that I could share:

  1. Install a running app. I use Nike Running/ Runtastic Pro.
  2. Purchase the best running shoes for you. I use Sketchers Go Bionic.
  3. Schedule your run (once a week or more).
  4. Set your goals.
  5. Motivate yourself and your friends to join you. It really helps when you have your friends while running because you can motivate each other.
  6. Never make any excuses. Always remind yourself that you want to be fit.
  7. Join Marathon for experience and assessment.
  8. Have enough sleep and proper diet.
  9. Lastly, NEVER QUIT.
I hope this entry inspires other readers like you. Stay sexy cause summer is coming.


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